Ini bukan lagu 1000 tahun nyanyian Butterfingers yg aku gila-gilakan waktu remaja dulu. Mati hidup kembali pun Butter tetap di hati.
tapi, ini kembali seperti mana yg aku inginkan. Insaf diri 1000 kali pun aku rasa kau org boleh buat tapi kalau usaha tak ada apa yg kau dapat? Kau org dapat pergi sambung belajar kalau lepak rumah sambil makan donat dunkin yg kau org beli? sepuluh keturunan pun belum tentu boleh.
Apa kau dengki dia org sudah ke negara asing?
Aku mahu ke sana juga. Kau tak percaya kau org tgk suatu hari nnt. University of Manchester tempat dituju. Kalau kau org tanya aku kenapa aku mahu ke negara asing utk sambung belajar, petik jari kaki aku jwb, sebab itu cita-cita aku.
Kalau kau org tanya aku boleh atau tak, sambil kupas kulit kacang cap tangan aku jwb, boleh kalau aku berusaha dan tak boleh kalau aku goyang kaki. Kalau kau org tanya sebab lain, sedikit, tapi aku ambil kira sebagai pemberi semangat dekat aku.
Kau org ckp apa kau org mahu tentang aku. Aku tak kisah sebab bila aku balik tanah air, bukan sekadar ijazah aku bawa pulang, gelaran jutawan aku bawa sekali. Aku nak tambah bilangan bangsa melayu dalam list org terkaya di Malaysia juga dunia. Biar putih mata kau org. Kau org tak nak tgk org Melayu kaya? Apa kau org nak buat? Dengki-mendengki? Itulah yg kau org tahu. Sebab itu aku nak ubah cara pemikiran org melayu. Kalau kau org fikir kau org nak jd mat motor sampai ke tua, anak-anak kau org teruskan perjuangan motor kau org yg sekadar menang wang haram, dengan hanya nilai puluhan ringgit malaysia, baik kau org lupakan.
Kalau kau org fikir memang nasib kau org mcm ini memang betul. Sebab kau org memang tak ada otak langsung! Kalau kau org ada otak, angkat kaki ubah hidup kau org. Bina semangat kau org, kembali kepada apa yg kau org impikan waktu kecil dulu.
Sekolah rendah, cikgu tanya apa cita-cita, kau org menjawab lebih dari orang hilang akal. Jurutera, panglima tentera, doktor, peguam, cikgu, pensyarah. Tapi bila dunia kau org sudah datang, kau org jd doktor sebelum kau org dapat ijazah. Apa kau org fikir? Kalau kau org nak mati, mati sorang-sorang!
Hidup untuk membunuh diri?
Anak org seronok makan donat epal besar, satay hj. Samuri, anak kau org kutip sampah belakang bangunan, tepi longkang, apa kau org fikir?
Bukan sepatutnya itu kerja kau org yg pandai buat anak?
Org lain guna taman rekreasi utk sihatkan badan, buat aktiviti keluarga, kau org buat aktiviti tak sihat! Buat aktiviti malu keluarga! Apa kau org fikir?
Dunia cipta teknologi kau org hancurkan! Rakam sana rakam sini, kau org bukan buat kerja halal.
Org tegur kau org marah, apa punya melayu! Bangsa sendiri kau org hancurkan. Cuba kau org fikir kalau org melayu sama-sama muafakat, bangsa lain rasa apa? kalau tak terkencing dalam seluar, berdarah hidung mereka. Ini bila kau org rasa bersatu hanya sebab ada udang di sebalik batu, kau org batalkan. Bila bangsa nak maju. Kau org sama-sama tak percaya, kau org belum cuba, kau org fikir hebat sgt? Aku malu sebab kau org atas sana sendiri buat malu bangsa. Mana nak letak muka kacak aku? Aku yg di bawah mahu tengok apa berlaku lepas ini. Kalau aku superman mampus kau org aku kerjakan. Kau org fikir sendiri, bila org kita menang suatu kawasan, bangsa melayu meniaga kecil-kecilan, kau org kejar, tangkap, saman. Kau org tgk bila dia org dapat memerintah, bangsa dia org meniaga tepi jalan, lesen perniagaan satu haram pun dia org tak tahu, ada dia org kejar? Kau org tgk sendiri mcm mana dia org bagi peluang dekat bangsa dia org. Ini bangsa sendiri kau org dengki, kutuk sana sini, yg miskin terus miskin, yg kaya senang kencing berdiri. Malulah wahai manusia! bangsa sendiri kau org hina. Bagilah setidak-tidaknya mereka peluang. Kau org tgk masa ex-mb perak angkat sumpah dekat istana? apa yg seorang lg itu buat? dia bukan bangsa kita, dia tolak ex-mb perak ke depan sebab dia nak salam dgn Sultan. Kau org tgk mcm mana oppurtunist gila kan dia org. Kesempatan yg ada dia org tak sia-siakan. Padahal, yg ex-mb tu pun bukan dr keturunan melayu sepenuhnya. Aku ckp bukan aku seorang yg racism. Aku lihat, aku dengar, aku fikir mcm mana dia org berjaya. Aku nak tahu rahsia dia org boleh pakai kereta mewah-mewah, rumah besar-besar, ada duit juta-juta. Bolehlah kita bangga kalau suatu hari nnt dalam senarai dan yg paling atas itu bangsa kita!
Kau org jgn ckp kau org tak suka atau benci pada politik negara, apa kau org ckp sekali pun, kau org tetap seorang yg politikal. Aku rasa dah tiba masa utk kita yg muda ni bergerak bersama utk bangsa kita. Salah seorang rakan aku yg akan berlepas ke Australia pun dah bersemangat. Kau org nak tahu apa dia kata? "Walaupun aku dekat sana, aku berjuang utk bangunkan bangsa!". Itu kata seorang yg nak sambung belajar di luar negara. Kita yg masih di sini? Takkan mahu duduk sambil minum kopi dekat kedai Pak Ali, main dam haji, senja baru kau org angkat punggung. Malulah kalian! Bangsa lain pun minum kopi, tapi sambil fikir mcm mana mahu dapat duit.
Jangan sampai bangsa lain puas hati bila semua bangsa melayu minta sedekah dari dia org. Aku tak akan benarkan! Kau org tggu bila aku capai cita-cita aku. Sekarang aku hanya dapat melihat dan bercakap kosong, mungkin suatu hari tin kosong yg aku lempar, kau org ambil utk digunakan. Aku bukan racist pada bangsa lain, cuma aku ingin lihat bngsa aku sendiri berubah dan terus berjaya.
Jun 23, 2009
Jun 22, 2009
Are you too shy?
If you answer "yes" to five of more of these staements, I say, shyness is like causing you problems. Lets try.
* it's hard for me to stop and talk to a neighbo I don't know well.
* I'm uncomfortable being introduced to a new person.
* it's difficult for me to ask a question during a lecture.
* I hate being the center of attention in a group.
* I find it hard to have someone I don't know well over for dinner.
* it's difficult for me to ask for directions.
* I worry about embarrassing myself if I speak up in a social situation.
* it's difficult for me to speak to someone in authority.
* making a telephone call to someone I don't know is hard.
* when I'm speaking to someone I don't know well, it's difficult to talk about my opinion and feelings.
* if I'm at a social event, I try always to stay close to someone I know.
* it's hard for me to join in a conversation.
Shy people must begin to realize their thoughts are just guesses. Hafizah, for example, might assume a fellow student didn't like her just because he didn't respond when she said hello to him in an elevator. This kind of unsubstantiated thinking she challenged during therapy. Now, Hafizah figures the student didn't hear her, was rude or was shy himself. Think about it.
*the real hafizah is not like that. huu :p lalalalala.
* it's hard for me to stop and talk to a neighbo I don't know well.
* I'm uncomfortable being introduced to a new person.
* it's difficult for me to ask a question during a lecture.
* I hate being the center of attention in a group.
* I find it hard to have someone I don't know well over for dinner.
* it's difficult for me to ask for directions.
* I worry about embarrassing myself if I speak up in a social situation.
* it's difficult for me to speak to someone in authority.
* making a telephone call to someone I don't know is hard.
* when I'm speaking to someone I don't know well, it's difficult to talk about my opinion and feelings.
* if I'm at a social event, I try always to stay close to someone I know.
* it's hard for me to join in a conversation.
Shy people must begin to realize their thoughts are just guesses. Hafizah, for example, might assume a fellow student didn't like her just because he didn't respond when she said hello to him in an elevator. This kind of unsubstantiated thinking she challenged during therapy. Now, Hafizah figures the student didn't hear her, was rude or was shy himself. Think about it.
*the real hafizah is not like that. huu :p lalalalala.
Jun 20, 2009
Easy way, hard to drive
It's just around 8.00 pm. As usual, nasi lemak along at city mewah food court is the place where my friends and I hang out and discuss whatever topic come out. cooperation between UMNO-Pas, topic was started by Ismail when he asked one of us to explain. He doesn't get any point about it even he do have the knowledge. Asyraf was explained to him until he got the point what were they (UMNO-Pas) trying to do.
But there were not the big topic we talked about. About half an hour after, an old man wearing "kopiah" and "baju melayu" came to us. All of us were in silent mode for a while. He showed a book. If I'm not mistaken, "projek pembinaan sekolah pondok". I'm asked him where is the place with the project. Kuala Nerang, Kedah. What is he doing here? Now he was in Teluk Intan which in Perak! A lots of question were in my mind but I just ignore it. Then Asyraf started for his trap question. "Pak cik, why don't you ask the money from the government, there will support this project if you ask them". He was silent. Again asyraf talked him that if procedur to it has been followed, there was no problems to get the money for the project. I told him why should he did those things. It was hard for him, travelled point by point, get a pity smile on face, it is not easy for 50 years old man! I can conclude that maybe he also sent by an agent! Prof. emeritus blog was remind me that "yang datang dari lingkungan yang sederhana, dan memberi dengan tidak pernah meminta apa-apa". Thank you prof. After a few question were asked, we collect what do we got from our pocket. I gave the money with a smile on my faces and said " Pak Cik, semoga projek ini berjaya dan mencapai apa yang dihasratkan".
I steped back home with lots of question were in my mind. We have many of wakil rakyat, also there pusat zakat, and many more places to get help. But where the money go and why the leader does not corcern about all of this matters? I'm not fully said it was fouled from just one side. I was also heard from one of us (my friends), what were zakat receiver done for the money from baitulmal. when he told me about this, I got shocked. They were used the money to bought 3G handphone, hifi, television, and other gadjet. What were more interesting about, these issues are in the scale of popular problem. What do they have think about? aiyo! What I was thinking now, there were one of the malays problems that we (malay students or teenagers) right now have to change and solve it. Now is the time for it, not tomorow, next week or next 10 years!
But whatever it is, try to to find where the old spirit gone and why it's gone. I'm also not a perfect person to solve all of this but when one become to ten and ten become to hundred, it will be stronger than anything. I think you know what I mean.
But there were not the big topic we talked about. About half an hour after, an old man wearing "kopiah" and "baju melayu" came to us. All of us were in silent mode for a while. He showed a book. If I'm not mistaken, "projek pembinaan sekolah pondok". I'm asked him where is the place with the project. Kuala Nerang, Kedah. What is he doing here? Now he was in Teluk Intan which in Perak! A lots of question were in my mind but I just ignore it. Then Asyraf started for his trap question. "Pak cik, why don't you ask the money from the government, there will support this project if you ask them". He was silent. Again asyraf talked him that if procedur to it has been followed, there was no problems to get the money for the project. I told him why should he did those things. It was hard for him, travelled point by point, get a pity smile on face, it is not easy for 50 years old man! I can conclude that maybe he also sent by an agent! Prof. emeritus blog was remind me that "yang datang dari lingkungan yang sederhana, dan memberi dengan tidak pernah meminta apa-apa". Thank you prof. After a few question were asked, we collect what do we got from our pocket. I gave the money with a smile on my faces and said " Pak Cik, semoga projek ini berjaya dan mencapai apa yang dihasratkan".
I steped back home with lots of question were in my mind. We have many of wakil rakyat, also there pusat zakat, and many more places to get help. But where the money go and why the leader does not corcern about all of this matters? I'm not fully said it was fouled from just one side. I was also heard from one of us (my friends), what were zakat receiver done for the money from baitulmal. when he told me about this, I got shocked. They were used the money to bought 3G handphone, hifi, television, and other gadjet. What were more interesting about, these issues are in the scale of popular problem. What do they have think about? aiyo! What I was thinking now, there were one of the malays problems that we (malay students or teenagers) right now have to change and solve it. Now is the time for it, not tomorow, next week or next 10 years!
But whatever it is, try to to find where the old spirit gone and why it's gone. I'm also not a perfect person to solve all of this but when one become to ten and ten become to hundred, it will be stronger than anything. I think you know what I mean.
Jun 19, 2009
Good Old Days

STAR was a long chapter in my life yet formed a solid foundation for the future ME!
I learnt to live together with new friends, be fascinated with different dialects, handle problems by myself, study independently even though my parents were not hovering around me and be reasonably active in many school and extra-curriculum activities.
So like the other members in school then, I was happily forced to sing and perform at school events, (with the patient overseeing by Arham Fawwaz) act as like Saiful Apek on Teacher's Day and cheer the rugby team at home and away games, including that to MCKK. Together with my closest pal Bashar, we sneaked out bought cigarette and got to "songkok" (which I swear too none of the teachers know till today). with Ariff known as Pa'jin, we got to represents our school in basketball and debate. And now, he was flew to Cardiff University. I will follow you brother :p Again, with him and the others sitting pretty on the wall of the Academic Block and happily dangly our legs (as if we were soliciting!!!). We travelled a lot SBP to SBP in Hari Kecemerlangan Seklah Berasrama Penuh (HKSBP) once known as PPM (Piala Pendana Menteri).
Yes, going to STAR exposed me to a world of difference then. In one STARIAN function some years back, YAB Adnan Ibrahi who was Head of Education in Perak then, commented on stage about the famous story of "Kongsi Gelap" (High Council)! No lah Bruto, it is not "kongsi gelap". hahaha!
STAR – I look back fondly at you. Thank you for the many memories. Thank you for the lovely friends who continue to be dear to me all these years.
Jun 18, 2009
Down memory lane! - my two thousand six~

Whenever I had a look at this photograph, it reminded me of the last day of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) in 06'. As the Fifth Formers then, Me together with few batchmate step out from the examination hall with a big smile on our face. We walking down the field to get back ourself home (houses). After a while, everyone were shouted "SPM was over!". I still remembered what my friends and I doing after we have lunch at dinning hall. There are no rules after SPM was over. Time for Lados! what is it? it's too meaningful, Lights After Dinner Of Supper - cigrette. I'm a good friend to Bashar who is our school rugby captain, we bought Lados with our shared money which enough for a week. I still remembered the ceiling, where the heaven of smokers.
Towards the later years of our ‘adventure’ in school, we definitely had acclimatised and felt very comfortable studying in a fully boarding school. We had learnt the tricks and antics, knew the dos and the donts as well as the hows to survive. When you were younger and at the lower grades, you quickly finished your meal and left quickly for classes or preps or whatever activities you were planning to do. But not when you have created a kingdom out of the dining hall. Yes sir, the routine changed when you were seniors and the dining hall was at your mercy. You could see then few guys who went round and ‘collect food’ (left overs). Of course, the favourite time and the favourites meals had got to be breakfast when nasi lemak or nasi goreng was served. The ‘kari keramat’ and ‘sayur rumput’ served then could even challenged the dish prepared by Chef Auw!
Those wore the days. And now, few of us were over the seas and the others just at our homeland. 3 years, we were never forget what the school have done to us. for years later we will be anyone that succeed our journey in life. I will always remembered where do I begin!
Welcome Home Boys!
Star OBW 2009 - 26 to 28 june 2009.
Not so hot dogs!

it's look delious isn't it. nak nak nak! best laa!
it's just random stuff. when I went to a burger stall, there are some people coming and ordered hot dogs.
now, I have a bad news for the lovers of luncheon meats, sausages or hot dogs. did you know that the scientist at the University of Hawaii studied 190,545 people and found that heavy consumption of processed meat raised the risk of pancreatic cancer by whopping 67%. is it true? yes it is because the carcinogens seem somehow to be introduced in the processing, as distinct from the meat itself. also for the non-muslims, what I know frm my reading, a diet rich in pork and red meat also raises the risk by 50%.
what are you going to do? how many hot dogs, sausages or luncheon meats were in your stomach? lalala. aiyo! I think it must be tons. hahaha!
*lalala. mari adik mari abg! hot dog murah!selonggok rm3!huu :p
Jun 17, 2009
Happy Father's Day
What a political?
huh! *sigh*
what's going on now?
what will you do? fight for your right?
hahaha! I'm just have fun, hang out with my friends, talk a lot, eat, sleep and bla bla bla.
nothing will change with it. what I trying to say is, years before I have seat front the television at 0800 pm watching Bulletin Utama. now, when the time is on it, I'm just doing nothing. it doesn't mean I'm doing nothing at all. read a book, novel, magazine. newspaper or eating.
for what reason?
it's so easy. the years past when I watching news on tv, there are lots of issues and knowledge.
it is only the same. politics issues, politics problem and politics everywhere which made me drowsy about it. I do interested to know about our political but will it have the end!?
when I hanged out with my friend and have talk about this, one of them said that changing the topic will good for us because he had bored about that. I always know that he is also like me, a politics lover.huu :p
he said that if we always talk about it there is no ending. I'm 100% agreed! now we know that the ex-mb of perak had joined the parliament and know what he'd done. banded his head with a scarf wrote there "hidup rakyat". what he trying to show? that is not of our style. just enough with it. sudah dapat masuk parlimen nak buat kecoh! dapat apa?
now you've been baned. good for you! it'll be no ending right!? same to the opposite side. you talk much about the students, much about how to help the poor and much bla bla bla. till nowadays, do the poor terminated in our motherland? what I think this is the time to berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah with us. show what the Malays got to them.
for now, when I'm not going to watch Buletin Utama or Berita tv1 or whatever. CNN is more better than them. what a political it is...*sigh*
what's going on now?
what will you do? fight for your right?
hahaha! I'm just have fun, hang out with my friends, talk a lot, eat, sleep and bla bla bla.
nothing will change with it. what I trying to say is, years before I have seat front the television at 0800 pm watching Bulletin Utama. now, when the time is on it, I'm just doing nothing. it doesn't mean I'm doing nothing at all. read a book, novel, magazine. newspaper or eating.
for what reason?
it's so easy. the years past when I watching news on tv, there are lots of issues and knowledge.
it is only the same. politics issues, politics problem and politics everywhere which made me drowsy about it. I do interested to know about our political but will it have the end!?
when I hanged out with my friend and have talk about this, one of them said that changing the topic will good for us because he had bored about that. I always know that he is also like me, a politics lover.huu :p
he said that if we always talk about it there is no ending. I'm 100% agreed! now we know that the ex-mb of perak had joined the parliament and know what he'd done. banded his head with a scarf wrote there "hidup rakyat". what he trying to show? that is not of our style. just enough with it. sudah dapat masuk parlimen nak buat kecoh! dapat apa?
now you've been baned. good for you! it'll be no ending right!? same to the opposite side. you talk much about the students, much about how to help the poor and much bla bla bla. till nowadays, do the poor terminated in our motherland? what I think this is the time to berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah with us. show what the Malays got to them.
for now, when I'm not going to watch Buletin Utama or Berita tv1 or whatever. CNN is more better than them. what a political it is...*sigh*
Jun 16, 2009
Berkhayal. Khayalan. Masa!
apa kau org buat kalau cuti?
bangun tidur bangun tidur sampai korang mimpi tak igt dunia.
memang bosan kalau duduk depan televisyen sambil pegang remote dan asyik tukar channel!
jawapan sebenar kau orang,
ambil kunci kereta, hidup enjin, ronda-ronda sambil mkn angin.
mmg lg bosan!duit pun habis.
kalau minyak boleh isi mcm kau org minum air masak tak apa!
bosan lagi!?
kau org kalau bosan jgn tanya aku.
aku sedang berkhayal. bgn tidur buka mata terus bagun jd bengong.
otak tak berfungsi mcm bumblebee dlm movie transformers.
berkhayal dan terus berkhayal!
ini bukan main-main!
ini sekadar post yg kosong.HAHAHAHAHA!
bangun tidur bangun tidur sampai korang mimpi tak igt dunia.
memang bosan kalau duduk depan televisyen sambil pegang remote dan asyik tukar channel!
jawapan sebenar kau orang,
ambil kunci kereta, hidup enjin, ronda-ronda sambil mkn angin.
mmg lg bosan!duit pun habis.
kalau minyak boleh isi mcm kau org minum air masak tak apa!
bosan lagi!?
kau org kalau bosan jgn tanya aku.
aku sedang berkhayal. bgn tidur buka mata terus bagun jd bengong.
otak tak berfungsi mcm bumblebee dlm movie transformers.
berkhayal dan terus berkhayal!
ini bukan main-main!
ini sekadar post yg kosong.HAHAHAHAHA!
Jun 14, 2009
Just random knowledge

What do you think went wrong with Putrajaya since its opening?
I think it is one of the worst planned cities or towns. What is wrong is that somebody made a lot of money out of big projects and together with others who also wanted to make money, they didn’t care whether people will shift there or not.
If you talk about traffic friendly, Putrajaya is very very unfriendly. You have a palace of justice where there is no justice, You have the biggest palace in the world, but where is the justice and how much money was used to fund those big projects. Finally you are not concerned about the facilities for the people. Let’s take for instance, the court itself, the high court and federal court in Putrajaya. The courts are attractive, inside and not outside. How many seats for ordinary people to be there? It is not enough.
I was looking at the number of cars and parking lots in the new court - only 300 for the public and the number is also the same for court staffs. They create buildings, they don’t create the space for the public to park, and if you park at the wrong place, you will be summoned. So what is the idea - the whole place is not only traffic unfriendly, it also has an unfriendly legal system.
Dr Syed Husin Ali
*I never read it before and when I knew about this, I feel like he's a great thinker. He is not only afraid of what will people think about him. He did always for the malays. I'm very respect with him that os why I'm looking for his life journey till now. you out there, if do have any info about him, just share with me. the Malays will not realize about what will happen for years coming if there are still in old way of life.think, think and keep thinking!
Jun 13, 2009
“We make them cry who care for us
We cry for those who never care for us
We care for those who will never cry for us”
This is the truth of life, it’s strange but true. Once you realize this, it’s never too late to change.
We cry for those who never care for us
We care for those who will never cry for us”
This is the truth of life, it’s strange but true. Once you realize this, it’s never too late to change.
Jun 11, 2009
The great gift of no.
What a nice day. everything looks great and wonderful. I was thinking about why do people say Yes to covered their No??? why??? and why???
just think about it.NO! it's the most powerful and needed word in the language today's also potentially the most destructive. for many years people the hardest to say. yet when we know how to use it correctly, this one word that people used it to avoid or any else has the power to profoundly transform our lives for the better.

don't say Yes if the answer is No.
what is Mahatma Gandhi told about this thing.
he say, " A 'no' uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble"
what do you guys out there think?
just think about it.NO! it's the most powerful and needed word in the language today's also potentially the most destructive. for many years people the hardest to say. yet when we know how to use it correctly, this one word that people used it to avoid or any else has the power to profoundly transform our lives for the better.

don't say Yes if the answer is No.
what is Mahatma Gandhi told about this thing.
he say, " A 'no' uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble"
what do you guys out there think?
Jun 4, 2009
Next station, I don't know
Oh, I'll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, its got to be this time,
Watching her, these things she said,
The times she cried,
Too frail to wake this time.
tiba-tiba senyap.
kalau cengkerik ada di Puduraya, memang sudah berbunyi cengkerik.
tapi cengekerik tiada, yang ada hanya hingar bingar enjin bas dan ajen-ajen penjual tiket.
aku tahu haram suara aku tak sedap langsung macam Ian Curtis, apatah lagi Shah Indrawan.
tapi tak perlu kau orang lontarkan pandangan macam itu pada aku.
segan tahu tak.
tak pasal-pasal tempat menunggu Platform 3 Puduraya ada bintang baru.
itulah kalau asyik sangat layan Joy-ah Division sampai tak ingat dunia.
dey macha, tarak jadi macha.
apa mahu kita lontarkan lg?
hidup mati kembali pun tak jadi jugak.
Heaven knows, its got to be this time,
Watching her, these things she said,
The times she cried,
Too frail to wake this time.
tiba-tiba senyap.
kalau cengkerik ada di Puduraya, memang sudah berbunyi cengkerik.
tapi cengekerik tiada, yang ada hanya hingar bingar enjin bas dan ajen-ajen penjual tiket.
aku tahu haram suara aku tak sedap langsung macam Ian Curtis, apatah lagi Shah Indrawan.
tapi tak perlu kau orang lontarkan pandangan macam itu pada aku.
segan tahu tak.
tak pasal-pasal tempat menunggu Platform 3 Puduraya ada bintang baru.
itulah kalau asyik sangat layan Joy-ah Division sampai tak ingat dunia.
dey macha, tarak jadi macha.
apa mahu kita lontarkan lg?
hidup mati kembali pun tak jadi jugak.
Jun 3, 2009
Bring it on!
just only one short message.
i'll never forget what you've done to me.
bring it on laa.
it was sound like this " if you come, i'll be waiting with a snowball in a hand. hehe."
chaiyol shafiq chaiyok!
watch out! i sampai, i baling snowball dulu laa.
machester uni. here i come!!! ggrrr!
i'll never forget what you've done to me.
bring it on laa.
it was sound like this " if you come, i'll be waiting with a snowball in a hand. hehe."
chaiyol shafiq chaiyok!
watch out! i sampai, i baling snowball dulu laa.
machester uni. here i come!!! ggrrr!
Why no, why now
saying No has always been important, but perhaps never as essential a skill as it's today.
in the course my life, I've had privilege to travel the world extensively, visiting lots of varsities and families in dozen of societies and speaking with many thousands of people. wherever I go, I see people under increasing levels of stress and pressure. I meet lecturers and professionals who are being burned out by overwork. I see people struggling to juggle study and work, with a particularly heavy burden on women who work outside the home. I encounter parents who find little quality time to spend with their children, and I find children overloaded with homework and lessons, with less and less time for carefree play. Everywhere people are overloaded and overhelmed.
but thanks to the knowledge revolution, we've more information and more choices than ever before. but we also have more decisions to make and less time to make them as the pace of life picks up greater speed with each called labor saving technological advance like I was read in the book by william ury.
the boundaries between home and the workplace are eroding as work reaches people by cell phone and email, anywhere anytime.hahaha. the rules are also eroding and the temptation to cut corners and bent ethical standards is powerful. evrywhere people are finding it hard to set and maintain boundaries.
No is today's biggest challenge.
in the course my life, I've had privilege to travel the world extensively, visiting lots of varsities and families in dozen of societies and speaking with many thousands of people. wherever I go, I see people under increasing levels of stress and pressure. I meet lecturers and professionals who are being burned out by overwork. I see people struggling to juggle study and work, with a particularly heavy burden on women who work outside the home. I encounter parents who find little quality time to spend with their children, and I find children overloaded with homework and lessons, with less and less time for carefree play. Everywhere people are overloaded and overhelmed.
but thanks to the knowledge revolution, we've more information and more choices than ever before. but we also have more decisions to make and less time to make them as the pace of life picks up greater speed with each called labor saving technological advance like I was read in the book by william ury.
the boundaries between home and the workplace are eroding as work reaches people by cell phone and email, anywhere anytime.hahaha. the rules are also eroding and the temptation to cut corners and bent ethical standards is powerful. evrywhere people are finding it hard to set and maintain boundaries.
No is today's biggest challenge.
Jun 2, 2009
The King and The Queen
like hafizah said, final sign for the game btw ssp SCUD and stf DYNAMYTES made a different feelings of some people.
some people crying because they're happy and some people crying because they sad.
there must be a loser and a winner.
congrats to sms kuching and ssp SCUD.
you're the king and the queen.
nevermind sdar REDWINGS and stf DINAMYTES. today, it's not yours.
to my players of sms selangor. enjoy the moment.
the juniors, training hard. get to improve.
also to my players of sms kuala kelasngor FALCONS & SERPENTS.
watch how they play, how they shoot, how they connect to each other and how to have a beautiful basketball.
see you guys next time.
goodbye HKSBP 2009, welcome please HKSBP 2010. see you in sms pasir puteh.
like hafizah said, final sign for the game btw ssp SCUD and stf DYNAMYTES made a different feelings of some people.
some people crying because they're happy and some people crying because they sad.
there must be a loser and a winner.
congrats to sms kuching and ssp SCUD.
you're the king and the queen.
nevermind sdar REDWINGS and stf DINAMYTES. today, it's not yours.
to my players of sms selangor. enjoy the moment.
the juniors, training hard. get to improve.
also to my players of sms kuala kelasngor FALCONS & SERPENTS.
watch how they play, how they shoot, how they connect to each other and how to have a beautiful basketball.
see you guys next time.
goodbye HKSBP 2009, welcome please HKSBP 2010. see you in sms pasir puteh.
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