Apr 23, 2009


Each individual has his or her own way to study effectively. Many people think that students at University do not need to attend class and study alone at home in stead. In some extent, studying textbooks cannot be compared with studying at class. I disagree with the view of point that university students should not attend class because they can study well at home.

the biggest advantages participates in class :-

- students can avoid difficulties and complication in approaching new studies of knowledge.
- save lots of time and energy if they attend class instead of gaining knowledge from textbook and other materials.
- they will learn how to discipline and routines theirselves. It helps you to live in strictness and principle, which is an important preparation before getting a career in this industrial life.
- by sitting at home and becoming a bookworm, you will never have more friends and close relationship.

Do not fucking me if you want to be a bookworm. i'm fuck you back! Attending class does not stop at friendship but it contributes a lot the relationship between teachers and students.

Mostly, Malaysian student are having this habit. Come on! Wake up! It's not too late to realize ourselves.


  1. wey
    takot aku tgk pic ko study.

  2. wahaha...
    baru ko tawu sape aku...hehehe...

  3. gedik sungguh gambr ko studi nih..hahaaha


  4. - save lots of time and energy if they attend class instead of gaining knowledge from textbook and other materials.

    yup2..agree.usually students don't realize that attending class is very important for us to score.plus,sit at the front row.u will never regret.study smart beb...
